IRS Streamlined Procedures for Non-Compliant U.S. Taxpayers Living Abroad and Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program ("OVDI")
If you are a US citizen or a green card holder, and never submitted your taxes in the US before, this is the time to take this rare opportunity offered by the IRS to straighten your record.
We understand that it can be stressful to be behind on your US taxes, but we have particular expertise in helping US expats get caught up using the Streamlined Filing Procedures. We’ve created a special Streamlined Filing Package with a flat fee to save you money and make getting caught up as hassle-free as possible!
In order to catch up using this program, the IRS requires the past 3 years of delinquent Federal Tax Returns and the past 6 years of FBARs be filed.
Please call us for more details !